Friday, September 7, 2012

Thank you Buddy!

"Honey, should we try going to the Black Dog Pub with Buddy tonight?"  "Sure, let's give it a shot, unless we try we will never know if he will behave."  As we approach the restaurant, I see that there are a lot of people eating on the patio, I quickly scan the whole patio and see that there is a table at the far end.  Great, perfect spot for us.  The waitress comes over to order our drinks and brings Buddy a big bucket of water.  Wow, they don't call it the Black Dog Pub for nothing! Buddy was so well behaved, that we decided after dinner to stay longer and order coffee and dessert.  Of course, dessert included some ice cream for Buddy too!  He surely deserved it!  Wow, Buddy has come such a log way in the past 9 months, we never thought when we first got him that we would be able to vacation and eat at a restaurant with him so soon. 

We were so impressed with him that we decided to stop by ArtSee Cafe & Bistro and ask if we could have lunch tomorrow on the patio with Buddy.  "But of course" the waitress says.  Bayfield reminds me of Carmel in California, where dogs are aloud to go everywhere with their owners, stores, pubs, restaurants, grocery stores and of course the beach!   In fact, every store in Bayfield has a bowl of water and a bowl of dog treats outside.  What a treat that is for every dog owner!

We ended the evening with another sunset walk, and capped the evening off with a bon-fire with some new friends!

I have to say Buddy was so good that we forgot we had him with us.  So, this post is to thank my little Buddy for allowing us to have a great evening!

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